family, animation, adventure

A young troll, Rolli, and his friends find themselves caught up in a quest to find a magic heart that will save his village and all the world from turning to stone.

Worst yet he finds he has to do this with the help of a beautiful Elf, Milli - the surmise of everything a troll can’t stand.

Production companies + nationality: MRP Matila Röhr Productions Oy (Finland) Film & Music Entertainment (UK), Greenlight Media AG, (Germany), Producers Center Kontakt (Russia)
Producers: Marko Röhr, Ilkka Matila, Andre Sikojev, Vladimir Taubkin, Mike Downey, Sam Taylor
Director: Pekka Lehtosaari
Script: Pekka Lehtosaari


  • Film and Music Entertainment (UK) Ltd
    16 Great Queen Street, London, WC2B 5AH
    United Kingdom

    99 Kenton Road, London, HA3 OAN
    United Kingdom

    Film and Music Entertainment (IRE) Ltd
    99 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin, DO2 V278

  • E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • To submit CV’s or crew queries please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

© 2022 Film & Music Entertainment Ltd.

We are members of the European Film Academy, PACT and The Audiovisual Producers' Association